If you sell a domain, a buyer might want an invoice, here’s how to whip one up

I was going through some threads on NamePros tonight and came across a topic that I imagine a number of new domain investors run into from time to time. While most of your domain sales likely will happen without any kind of paperwork required from your side, sometimes a buyer will want an invoice – before you panic, know that this is a simple request and won’t be too hard for you to put together.

Before I go any further – here’s the NamePros thread that inspired this post:

I have a general invoice template in Excel that’s always ready to go, and if you have Excel on your computer you can whip one up in two minutes. Raymond from TLDInvestors.com also made a good suggestion using a service called aynax.com which looks pretty streamlined and easy to use, here’s a link to the template Raymond shared.

While it might seem like an extra step, making an invoice is so easy there’s no need to hesitate or push back, you just made some money, take the 1-2 minutes to send an invoice if that’s what the buyer wants. I always try to remind people that if you do everything you can to make buying domains from you a positive experience, maybe that same buyer will continue to buy more names from you. If you’re a pain in the ass, you can be sure they won’t.

Case in point, I recently bought a domain from someone that was super hard to deal with, refused to do anything to make the deal go smoothly. While I got the deal done, I can tell you I’ll be avoiding them in the future, no reason to give money to someone that’s going to create a negative, high-friction process. Advice for you, don’t be that guy.

Hopefully this post helps other domain investors with the same question. Boom, that’s it, nothing more to say.