Hilarious domain offer from PremiumDomains.net

I got an absolutely hilarious domain offer from a company called PremiumDomains.net, they made an offer on a 4L .COM that I own, NGMT.com. Here’s the email they sent me which was just too funny not to share with the rest of you:

Hello, According to current market prices at domain auction websites, your domain which is classified as a 4-letter .com domain are currently going for $300 for the domains beginning with letter N. I can pay $300 and i’ll also cover any fees so that you’ll receive $300 net.
You also would not be losing the 15% – 20% commission that the domain auction websites take.
Please let me know if you want to move forward with this sale.

I love their logic here, four letter .COMs that start with the letter “N” are going for $300 according to current market prices at domain auction websites. I wonder how many people they’ve been able to fool with this lie?