Giving thanks and remembering on Memorial Day

I wanted to take a break from my normal blog posting cycle to give thanks and remember those who lost their lives fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy today. I know that a number of my readers have either served in the military and/or lost loved ones that have served and I want to express how much this means to me and so many other people.

It can be all too easy for us to get caught up in our daily lives, work, cars, vacations, GDPR, the list goes on…there’s no shortage of things to occupy our time and our minds.

Today is a day to take a step back and remember that we wouldn’t have what we all have today without the incredible sacrifice made by the most brave and honorable people in the world.

If you have a story to share about someone you know, a friend or family member who served please feel free to do so in the comment section below. Now is the time to remember because those who have given their lives to protect the freedoms we enjoy today will never be forgotten.