Getting to the Top of Google in Under One Month!

Well I am excited to say that I have achieved an SEO goal of mine around the ranking of my new magazine – I launched the magazine on March 12th of this year, and now, on April 10th I have ranked not only on the first page, but in the #1 spot for my two top targeted keyword phrases! The two keyword phrases that I wanted to rank well for were – “ccTLD investing” and “investing in ccTLDs” and if you search either of those in Google you will find ccTLD Investors Magazine is the #1 result!

I also rank #1 in Bing for the search query – “ccTLD Investing“:

Oh and one of my favorites is Yahoo where I take all of the top four listings for the search query “ccTLD Investing“:

So what’s the point of this post? I want to show everyone how realistic it is to get your site on the first page of Google, and for less popular terms like this, in the #1 slot. Being in the #1 spot on Google really means becoming the authority on a subject since a majority of the search traffic will go to you. In this case the exact-match Domain gives me a big advantage coupled with a lot of the solid SEO techniques I use on all of my sites.

Want some more examples?

Search “Domain Investing” on Google and you will find my company, Linton Investments on the first page.

Search for “Domain Flipping” on Google and you will find my book as the #2 result.

Search for “Stimulus Check” on Google you will find my site, on the first page.

Search for “Jury Law” on Google you will find my site on the first page.

Search for “Hotel Critic” on Google you will find my site on the first page.

If you aren’t on the first page of Google yet you might be missing-out on some key SEO techniques that could be used to get far more traffic to your domain. Feel free to check-out some of the development options my company offers – each one of these options will do better than any parking service and help get your domain to the top of the search engines!