Geo-targeted domains are helping some lawyers get a lot of business

While you can always look for a lawyer at a popular legal site like, plenty of people still search for lawyers in their specific city or region on Google. It’s not hard to imagine someone who lives in Los Angeles searching for LA Lawyers, or Attorney in LA, and the same is true for – well, everywhere.

Geo-targeted domains have an interesting advantage, they tend to resonate well with people who live in the area. Think about it – wouldn’t feel like a pretty normal place to find lawyers in LA? Most people want to find a lawyer in their local area so geo-domains like <cityname> or <cityname> can be powerful branding tools for firms. Here’s a good example:

“Personal injury attorney Mark Cantor has perhaps the quintessential domain name in the area, About five years ago when he established his firm, he turned to his software engineer daughter Rachel to help create a website.
“It was something that just came off the top of our heads,” Cantor said.
He and Rachel were surprised the domain name was for sale and they pounced on it.
Now he plans to open a new firm and bring that domain name with him. Along with new partner David Wolff, he utilized as the backbone of the Cantor & Wolff brand.” (Source – BizJournals)

One of the companies I know that leverages the heck out of great domain names is Legal Brand Marketing, run by Braden Pollock, who many of my readers probably know quite well.

Of course, geo-targeted domains provide the same advantages to other locally-focused businesses. Like I said at the very beginning of the article, sure – there are directories out there, but I don’t think we’ll ever get to a point where people will only use directories to find things. Google isn’t going anywhere, and heck – people are searching using their voice using services like Alexa and Siri, so I don’t see the value of geo-targeted domain names diminishing anytime soon.

Okay, so why am I writing about lawyers and domain names? Well as a domain investor I’m always thinking about what this means about the investment market. I think this shows that geo-targeted domains can be incredibly relevant and despite the proliferation of apps and directories, these domains still pack some serious power.

I used to own quite a few geo-targeted domains, never had much luck selling them, maybe it’s time to change my tune? What do you think? Do you have any geo-targeted domains in your portfolio? Had any luck selling them yourself?

I want to hear from you – comment and let your voice be heard!