Flippa Friday – two online businesses that caught my eye on Flippa this week

Years ago I had a regular weekly series called Flippa Friday where I’d share websites/online businesses that looked like good potential investments on Flippa. Fast-forward to today and Flippa has grown by leaps and bounds, and with this growth they’ve also added some really new features including a Due Diligence service that can help de-risk the process of buying an online business.

Below are two online businesses on Flippa that caught my eye this week. As with any investment it’s important to do your homework and if I were you, I’d use Flippa’s Due Diligence service just to really make sure you’re getting what you think you’re getting.

First up is SugarBae.com which is an active dating site with over 200,000 users generating around $25,000/mo. What I like about this site is users are on a recurring subscription model and while I haven’t been in the dating game myself for a long time, I think we all know that online dating has become the norm for most single people.

Two things I really like about this business is – first, the seller has an 100% positive feedback rating across 89 transactions totaling over $1.4M, and second, he’s selling the business at a 0.5x multiple which means you’d be profitable in less than a year. Why it’s selling for such a low multiple is a bit confusing to me but as a buyer, it seems like a great deal.

The next business that caught my eye is a review site related to generators that’s been around for three years and is currently making ~$3,000/month. Like the site I just shared, the seller here has a stellar track record with an 100% feedback rating across 83 transactions. I think this de-risks things a lot since it’s unlikely this person decided not to scam 83 people and start with the 84th.

This also feels like a business that has room to grow so for someone with some experience scaling content businesses it seems like it could be a really good opportunity.

Okay, that’s it for this week, have a great weekend! 🙌