Flippa Friday – two online businesses that caught my eye on Flippa this week

Hello, happy Friday, and welcome to Flippa Friday here on MorganLinton.com 🕺 As usual, I’ve combed through Flippa to find two online businesses that I think could make good investments. Like an investment, do your research and make sure to really bet anything you’d put money into. Also, I usually recommend checking out Flippa’s Due Diligence service to really de-risk your purchase.

Okay, enough preamble, let’s get to the good stuff – here’s the first site that caught my eye this week.

This one is interesting for a lot of reasons. First, as you probably know by now, I like sites with a little age, with four years in operation this site has been around long enough to be interesting. Also with $286/mo in revenue it’s safe to say there’s a lot of room for growth. The seller has done over $1.4M in transactions across 92 deals so it also feels like it would be pretty unlikely that he’d pick his 93rd sale to run a scam.

On top of all that the site is a WordPress blog about male grooming so if this is something you’re interested in, it could be an easy one to really ramp up the content, develop more partnership and take to the next level.

Sticking with the theme of smaller starter sites this fishing site caught my eye. It happens to be for sale by the same seller as the previous site so once again, an experience Flippa seller with lots of deals under his belt. Also four years old and $193/mo in profit makes me think there’s plenty of room to grow.

I was just backpacking in Tahoe over the weekend and I did some fishing, so, maybe I have fishing on the brain but it feels like this could be a fun one given how many different products you can sell and tutorials you could write in this niche. After trying my hand at fishing this weekend I know I have a lot to learn but a fishing pro could probably work wonders with this one, especially if you like geeking out and reviewing fishing gear 🎣

Okay, well that’s it for this week’s Flippa Five! As always thanks for reading and TGIF 🙌