Don’t Buy This Domain Of The Day:

It’s Friday night at 9:22PM which means that Shark Tank ended 22 minutes ago and I found myself looking at expired domain auctions. Yes, we normally go out on some great adventures on the weekends but after a week in Florida we definitely need a weekend at home, and we really can’t miss Shark Tank since it’s our favorite show 🙂

Okay, enough about our wild and crazy Friday night and onto my Don’t Buy This Domain Of The Day:

Yes, there are two characters in this domain but who the heck has any use for the number zero followed by the letter h? I just don’t get these but I do understand why some investors think they might be a good bet since they are so short. Still there are no companies branding around these two characters, yes would be awesome, but this is the number 0, not the letter O.

Anyone like this name and want to say that I’m wrong? Anyone don’t like this domain and want to join in on the “Don’t buy this domain” commentary? Comment and let your voice be heard!