Takes a Step Closer towards TV!

That’s right folks, I am taking this blog one step closer to TV by making my first full episode of! Rather than being in the format of my vlog videos I am going to do a monthly episode in the format of an actual television show (30 minutes long, multiple segments, etc). This is obviously going to be a LOT more work but I’m hoping to use this as a way to get more people all over the world interested in Domain Investing. This industry needs more exposure and I’m going to move forward with trying to make that a reality.

So what’s the format going to look like? Here is a look at the plan for my first full episode of the Domainvestors Television Show:

– Introduction to the show and what Domaining is all about

– Domaining in the News

– Domaining Education (one topic per episode)

– Live Interview (yes – a real live Domainer or company on my show!)

– Domaining moment of zen (Going to copy John Stewart on this one)

Since I’m not one for keeping secrets I’ll let you know where I’m going with this. I plan to make a number of these episode and then hit the studios and try to get an actual television slot for the show. I know this may seem like an ambitious goal but our industry needs more exposure and I’m not afraid of being rejected by TV studios and I’m ready for the challenge. Don’t expect to see this on TV anytime soon but I’m hoping that with enough time and energy I can turn this dream into a reality.

Remember, if you don’t reach for the stars you may never get there! If you live in the LA area and would like to be a guest on one of my episodes (or if you don’t but want to fly-out here to be on please send me an email at

Of course – I love hearing ideas from my readers/viewers. Please feel free to send in your ideas for upcoming shows. Oh, and if you’re a big TV studio and want to cut to the chase and put the first episode on TV let me know where to meet you and I’ll give you the pitch of a lifetime 🙂