Domain Development Drops For The Week Of January 23rd, 2012

Hello everyone and welcome to my very first Domain Development Drop List of 2012! I started this segment in late 2011 and had a very positive response so I’ve decided to make it a regular feature on my blog. If you haven’t read about what I look for in expired domains, let me give you some basic things I look for:

  • I like names with medium search volume, a good CPC, and in a market where there are half a dozen affiliate programs I can think of using right-away.
  • If you want to get down to the numbers themselves I typically look for keywords with no less than 1,000 exact-match global searches and less than 10,000. Why limit it to 10,000? Typically terms with this much volume are a lot more work to rank well for so I go for the low hanging fruit in most cases.
  • A good CPC to me really means anything above $0.50. I just want to see that advertisers see some kind of monetary value in people who search for this term.
  • There is no one set of qualities for the perfect domain for development. Also I don’t follow the rules above every time I buy an expired domain and you shouldn’t either. Sometimes I do buy names with a very high search volume in the hundreds of thousands and with a CPC of only $0.23. That being said, a vast majority of the expired domains that I buy for development do meet the criteria I outlined above.

Bam! Now you know what I’m generally looking for in an expired domain name. If you want to know what I do once I buy a domain for development make sure to read – Domain Development 101. If you’re so darn excited after reading that article that you want to dive right in and build your first site, make sure to read – WordPress 101.

All of the domains featured in this list were found using Protrada. I started using Protrada last year and it has honestly changed the way I search for and buy expired domains. The software is rock solid, lightning fast, and has also been a great tool for managing my portfolio. I am not being paid by Protrada to mention them in this post, I just absolutely love the service and recommend it to everyone who reads my blog! – 1,900 global monthly searches and a CPC of $4.40 this would be a great option for one of the many flower affiliate programs out there. While it might not be a term you think people would be search for, they are and with a CPC like this there is definitely money to be made in this niche. – like the previous name this also doesn’t seem like it would get any search volume, but it does. With 1,900 exact-match global searches and a CPC of $6.80 this domain has some great lead generation potential. – while I’m not thrilled with a CPC of only $0.29, the search volume of 18,100 exact-match global and the ease of building a basic translation site makes this one a solid development candidate. With keywords like this I think that the .ORG plays in your favor vs. a .NET, of course having the .COM would be my top pick but for development a .ORG can rank just as well! – 3,600 exact-match global searches and a CPC of $1.02 makes this a great fit for development. Recipe sites are easy to get started with and given the focus of these keywords you know exactly what kind of recipes your visitors are looking for. It’s always the best when you build a site that provides people with useful information, not only are you ranking well for a term, but you’re actually making a difference! – backpacks are a big business with a zillion different affiliate offers available in the space. 3,600 exact-match global monthly searches and a CPC of $0.53 puts this right in my typical range. – I will be bidding on this one so just giving you warning and probably shooting myself in the foot for including this in the list, but heck I want to let you know what I would buy myself right? Weight loss is a huge industry with tons of great affiliate offers in the space. This term gets 6,600 global monthly searches and a CPC of $2.92 and if I get it you can expect to see a case study going up very soon, I really love this one! – 27,100 exact-match global searches and a CPC of $1.08. While there is some reasonable competition in this space and the search volume is higher than I typically go for this name has a lot of development potential. – 14,800 exact-match global searches and a CPC of $1.16. This is a very competitive niche so will really take some time to build-up your ranking for this term, but you know exactly what your visitor is looking for – a wireless router.

That’s it for this week, if you want to get Domain Development Drops more frequently make sure to become a fan of me on Facebook. This year I will be sharing a lot of exclusive content with my Facebook fans so make sure to “Like” my page if you haven’t done so yet!

Of course I always love to hear from you, my readers! So please feel free to share comments about the domains above or share some of your own recommendations. Comment and let your voice be heard!