Do you use a service to manage your domain names or does Excel do the trick?

I always like to understand how other people manage their domain names because, let’s be honest, it’s a lot easier said than done. For years I used Excel to manage my domains, I had all kinds of columns to track different things like TLD, date purchased, amount purchased for, number of inbound inquires, etc. The problem was that it was really hard to keep this up to date over time, it required a diligence that I just didn’t have.

Next I moved onto managing my domains through, which I really liked and of course now it has all moved to Uniregistry market which I’m also a fan of. Over the last year or so I’ve started managing my domains more and more directly through Efty which from what I’ve seen probably offers the most features and gives me the same fields that I used to have in my good old spreadsheet like original purchase price, TLD, etc.

I wanted to take Domain Punch for a spin and still plan to but just haven’t had the time to get it all setup – of course I’ll report back when I do. No matter what solution you use, nothing is going to do everything for you, regardless there’s setup and management you’re going to have to do if you want to keep things organized…and no I definitely am not perfect when it comes to keeping things organized.

One example is original purchase price. I’ve wanted to add this to Efty for a while now but it’s a pretty big research project that I probably just need to chisel out a lazy Sunday to sit down and do. Right now when I get an offer on a domain that’s usually what triggers me going back to look at what I paid to make sure I’m getting the ROI I want.

So I’m interested to hear from you, my readers – do you use a service to manage your domains or is good old Excel still your method of choice? I want to hear from you – comment and let your voice be heard!