Developing Domains With Protrada – Part One (Video)

As you all know I’ve been a big fan of Protrada. What I like the most about this company is that they listen to their customers. Before launching I spent quite a while with them giving feedback and seeing different iterations of the platform. They are not set in their ways but instead are set in making something that people enjoy using.

The website-builder tool in Protrada builds great-looking sites that look absolutely nothing like a parked page. Couple in the ability to add your own ads with zero rev share, and easy options for adding unique content and I’m officially impressed. So I thought it would be fun to do a three-part video series showing people the process, step-by-step in developing a domain with Protrada.

Like any platform development system I believe you get out what you put in. If you just want to have 1,000 domains built-out and you don’t want to add any content, or make any tweaks yourself, I wouldn’t expect much results. It takes a LOT more than this to rank in Google and if you think clicking a button will get you ranked, think again. If however you customize a site, add high-quality unique content, build-up backlinks with valued partners, and promote through social media, there is absolutely the potential to build a real income-generating asset.

Enjoy the first video and as always feel free to share you comments below. Also make sure to bump this up to HD so you can get the best quality possible!