Countdown to NamesCon 2020 – How to follow my video adventures in Austin

Last year at NamesCon Europe in Portugal I took a ton of video and shared it on Twitter throughout the conference. I then took some of my longer format videos and put them on You Tube. It was fun to do and people seemed to like it so I decided to do it again at Rick’s MeetUp in Asheville.

Now, as I’m getting ready to head to Austin first thing tomorrow morning I’m getting ready for another few days of video adventures and taking those of you who can’t make it along with me.

Throughout the course of each day I’ll post shorter format videos on Twitter. Don’t expect anything mind blowing, just some short videos here and there so that you can take in the scene and get a feeling for what it’s like at the conference. Any longer format videos I’ll post on You Tube and share here on my blog.

So how can you watch these videos I speak of?

First – follow my Domaining-specific Twitter account – @morganDOTlinton

Second – follow me on You Tube by clicking here and hitting subscribe

To kick things off I recorded a little video tonight. Tomorrow tune into my Twitter channel throughout the day and you can follow along with the adventure as I make my way from San Francisco to Austin.

Oh and if you’re at NamesCon, I’ll be giving a talk with Braden at 4:00PM so feel free to come by and check it out. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Austin!