Conversion Optimization Hacks

I’ve launched over 200 websites over the last five years and with each site we launched the name of the game was conversion optimization. Whether you are building a site to sell hats, or launching a new service to help people helicopters from their iPhone, you want to have the highest conversion rate possible.

Before I dive into conversion optimization hacks, let me make sure we’re all on the same page. Conversion Optimization is the process of tuning your site design to increase the number of visitors who become customers. It’s not always about getting paying customers but it is about getting visitors to perform an action. A hack is not a way to break into a system or something reminiscent of cyberpunks of the 90’s, instead it is a cool clever way to get things done efficiently.

Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about a few of my favorite conversion optimization hacks:

  1. Use a tool that automates the A/B testing process – don’t look at analytics and keep track of your A/B tests in Excel spreadsheets, it’s old school and incredibly time consuming. Use a tool like Optimizely and you’ll be able to manage these tests much more effectively. One of the coolest things about Optimizely is that you can make changes to your site directly through the platform so you don’t have to worry about constant code changes.
  2. Move your call to action – if you have it on the right, test it on the left, one of the smallest changes that can make one of the biggest differences.
  3. Make your button orange – I’ve heard Tim Ash talk about this a number of times and I’ve seen it come true many times over. Orange buttons are awesome and if your current button is black, blue, purple, or any other dark color, make it orange and see what happens.
  4. Less is more – if you have a million options, the user will have to make a million choices, and most people don’t like making a million choices. Find ways to reduce options and unnecessary and A/B test as you’re going to make sure you don’t take out things that were helping your conversion rate.
  5. Add testimonials, reviews, and trust badges – the first time someone comes to your site they may have absolutely no idea who you are. If you can show them people or brands they trust then they are more likely to trust you and use your service.

Feel free to share some of your own conversion optimization hacks below or comment on any of mine!