ClickMillions Review

A couple of weeks ago a did a post about a $329 click on a parked page that got a lot of attention. The story was inspired by a couple of screenshots sent to me by the creators of the ClickMillions educational platform. I told them that I would be happy to post this data, but that I never recommended a program unless I tried it myself. I made it clear in my post that I would give ClickMillions a thorough review, and I did, here is what I found.

The basic idea behind ClickMillions is an educational package that teaches people how to make money parking domain names. The concept hinges on the idea of finding expiring domains with backlinks that have lingering traffic. While this general concept is an interesting one, I found the program fell short in many areas and in some cases seemed very scammy and a bit misleading.

The first thing that really didn’t sit right with me was the front page of their site which says things like “What kind of money are we talking about?” and shows a parking account making $4,289.70 in 13 days. Or below that an image showing someone making $22,000 in 90 days. This is incredibly misleading since the course itself says that you can expect to make $20,000 in the first year. There seems to be a massive disconnect here and if someone were to look at the front page they would think that this represented what they could do with the program when that is really years away according to the program’s own videos.

This brings me to the videos. I’ve taken a lot of online video courses, I think video is a great way to learn. These videos are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. There is a ton of ambient noise that is incredibly distracting, the person in the videos keeps swallowing really loudly which is also very unprofessional and also incredibly distracting. Last but not least, the videos don’t even show the current version of the platform and instead say that what you see might be different. In my mind this nullifies a lot of the value of the videos since what they show you in the videos is different from what you see which really makes the videos far less useful. Some of the videos have music in the background, others do not. Last but not least, there is a typo in the very first slide in the very first video which is just sloppy.

I’m not sure why I would trust a program that has a typo one minute into their very first video in their video series. If the goal of the program is to be a solid educational resource then they need to dramatically improve the quality of the videos. It would literally take a weekend to fix these and it blows my mind at how unprofessional these were.

However I knew that the key to this program was the software they created to help you identify these domains so I took a deep dive into this to. The software is ranks expired domains using letter grades between “A” and “D” with the goal of showing you domains with backlinks that may still have traffic. This would save you a lot of time, if it only worked. I quickly found out that the software is completely broken. Most of the domains marked with a letter grade of “A” show zero backlinks, since the “A” grade domains are supposed to have the best backlinks with the most traffic these zeros make no sense.

So I emailed the program creator and he told me that they did realize this was broken but that the zeros were sometimes wrong and users could go in an manually verify it. It doesn’t say this anywhere on their site or in their videos and if I was running an education program that hinges on software, and that software was blatantly broken, I would tell people. I told him that they should take the software down until it is fixed but he said they have over 2,000 customers, which I think honestly makes this even worse.

To sum it up, while I do believe that someone did get a $329 click on a parked page and this is pretty darn amazing, I cannot recommend the ClickMillions program. I find the homepage of ClickMillions to be very misleading, the videos unprofessional and the software not delivering as it should. I have sent all this feedback to the creators of the ClickMillions and they said they are taking this feedback very seriously. Now the question is, will they take action?

As I’ve said many times before, I only allow sponsors on my blog that make products and services I believe in, and anyone who send me information about a product or service that wants a free review, can expect for me to take a deep dive into what they are doing and share it with my users. I will continue to keep in touch with the ClickMillion people and if things change I’ll let you know but right now I do not recommend ClickMillions.