Another six-figure .IO sale is in the books as sells for $105,500

Over the last year it’s been hard to ignore the growth of .IO, and while .NET used to be the people’s choice next to .COM, today .IO is stealing the show. Rewind three years ago and a six-figure .IO sale would sound nuts, today it’s pretty darn normal, but still fun to talk about, or write about in this case.

As you already know because I included it in the title, the domain that sold is and it was sold by James Booth who also happened to recently make some pretty big moves in the Bored Ape Yacht Club world so it’s safe to say he’s on a roll.

As you can see from the announcement tweet, the domain name sold through Squadhelp, which makes sense to me since I’d imagine this name to get included in a lot of contests. If you’re not familiar with Squadhelp, think 99 Designs meets brandable domain name marketplace.

At $105,500 is the third highest reported .IO sale this year and fourth six-figure .IO sale in 2021. Because I know you probably want to know what the top five .IO sales of 2021, here they are courtesy of DNJournal:

  1. – $175,000
  2. – $120,000
  3. – $105,500
  4. – $100,000
  5. – $89,999

So I’m pretty happy about this sale for multiple reasons, first – James is a buddy of mine so it’s always good to see a friend book a great sale, and I’m also a long-time one-word .IO investor, so it’s great to see these domains really take off. And of course, I’m happy for the new owner, this is a stellar domain and I can’t wait to see what they do with it 🚀🚀🚀