3 Steps To Fixing WordPress Upgrade Problems

If you’ve been using WordPress for a while then you are probably used to upgrades. If you are lucky then your upgrades have gone smoothly…but what if your upgrade doesn’t go according to plan? Luckily WordPress is a fairly easy system to setup and troubleshoot however your first time can be a bit daunting.

So first – how can you identify if something has gone wrong? WordPress might indicate than an update went fine but if you are seeing errors at the top of your Dashboard you know something is wrong. These errors may say something like: Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]:data error in /home/acctname/public_html/wp-includes/http.php on line 1787

Or maybe your Dashboard is in an all-text mode. Either way – something has gone wrong and I’m happy to provide three easy steps to get your blog back on track:

  1. Make sure all your plugins are updated – if not update and login again. If this doesn’t fix it deactivate your plugins for now.
  2. Backup your database
  3. Run a manual install of WordPress – you can just follow-along with the Famous Five Minute Install to manually install WordPress on your server.

99% of the time following the three steps above will get your blog back into WordPress bliss. If not then you’re in one of those 1% edge cases where you might need to call in the experts!