2013 Google Ranking Factors You Should Know About

It’s no secret that Google has made some pretty monumental changes to their algorithm over the last year. This means that some of the ranking factors that were critical in the past don’t carry as much weight now, but there are new factors that are more important than ever. One of the biggest changes is a shirt away from the massive link-building techniques that dominated the SEO world for years, now things like social media are more important than that big juicy PR7 link you’ve been hunting down for months.

So how have the ranking factors changed? Below are the major ranking factors for 2013 and a bit more about why they’re more important now than ever:

One change you’ll notice is the diminishing importance of having the keyword in the domain name, this is one of the most dramatic changes over the last year along with the % of backlinks using the keyword. If you’re trying to get everyone to link back to you with the anchor text “insurance” this is not longer going to help you as much as it used to, now Google wants to see real links to your site, which typically start with www.