10th Southern California Domainer MeetUp Scheduled for October!

Boy and girls, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for another exciting Southern California Domainer MeetUp! 2011 has been an incredibly busy and exciting year and this will be a great opportunity for So Cal Domainers to share what’s been working for them, and of course, what hasn’t.

Behind-the-scenes Jason and I have been working on a new website for the group, a new logo, and a brand new format which we’ll be announcing at the October MeetUp. We’re taking this to the next level, adding some much needed structure, and getting ready to (hopefully) knock you socks off with some of the cool stuff we’ll be doing!

If you live in Southern California and haven’t been to one of our MeetUps before – don’t be shy. Everyone from any skill level is welcome to our MeetUps! We are increasing focus on getting experts from the community to share their knowledge and experience with the group. This means that new and experiences Domainers alike will walk-away from each MeetUp with new ideas, insights, and hopefully a few new friends in the Domaining world!

Below are the details for the October Southern California Domainer MeetUp:

When: October 2nd, 2011 – 6:00PM
Where: Southern California – Location TBD
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/domaining

Jason and I hope to see you there!